
šŸ” Authentication environment variables

Blitzship uses Auth.js (opens in a new tab) for authentication. Auth.js requires a few environment variables to be set.


In your .env.{YOUR_STAGE_NAME}.local file, set the AUTH_URL to this: http://localhost:3000/api/auth (opens in a new tab). It should already be set correctly in the .env.example file, so you don't have to change anything here. For the production .env file, however, it should look like this: (opens in a new tab)


This is a random string that resides on your secure backend. Use openssl rand -base64 32 command in your terminal to generate such a string and simply paste it here.

If this guide is not enough and you want to know more about how Auth.js and these environment variables work, checkout the Auth.js docs (opens in a new tab).