Cloning the Repository

Cloning the repository

  1. Sign up to Blitzship here (opens in a new tab).

  2. Check your email inbox. Once you have confirmed your email, you will be invited to a private GitHub organisation that contains the boilerplate code.


If you haven't received any email, please contact me at and I'll make sure you'll get access asap.

  1. Now, clone the repo from the GiHub Organisation

    git clone
  2. Delete the existing .git folder:

    rm -rf .git
  3. Re-initialize git (run commands one by one):

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git branch -M main
  4. Go to github and create a new repository.

  5. Push the code to the new repository:

    git remote add origin <your-repository-url>
    git push -u origin main
  6. The monorepo uses pnpm workspaces (opens in a new tab), so you'll need to install pnpm if you haven't already (see here (opens in a new tab) for full installation guide):

    npm install -g pnpm
  7. Now cd into the cloned repository and install all dependencies:

    pnpm install

Next, we'll be setting up your AWS account and the AWS CLI.