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Launch your SaaS on AWS
faster than ever
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Fast-Forward Your Startup Journey

The fastest way to build
a SaaS business on AWS.

Forget about endless hours of setup and configuration in AWS's console. Get started with a production-ready codebase in minutes and save countless days of work down the road.

4+ hours Integrating payments solutionsIntegrating payments

6+ hours Implementing secure authenticationSecure authentication

8+ hours Designing a landing pageLanding page

12+ hours Setting up domains and DNS recordsDomains + DNS records

16+ hours Spining up AWS infrastructureAWS infrastructure

Exploding head emoji

Countless bad decisions along the way

∞ hours of overthinking

Game changing template to launch quickly and scale effortlesslyLaunch quickly and scale effortlessly

The AWS-native SaaS boilerplate
to bootstrap your startup

Blitzship let's you build your SaaS on AWS, while harnessing the full potential of Next.js, TypeScript, and Stripe. Unbeatable time-to-market, with a developer experience that's second to none.

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AWS code screenshot

Discover blitzship's productivity boosting featuresDiscover productivity boosting features

Launching a Tech-Startup on AWS
made ridiculously easy

Blitzship is the ultimate boilerplate to launch your SaaS business on AWS. Including landing page, pre-built components, authentication, payments and so much more.

Beautiful Landing Page

20+ stunning pre-built components designed for highest conversion

SEO Optimization

All SEO best practices like social media tags, sitemaps, robots.txt etc.

Payments integration

Fully integrated subscriptions and one-time-payment handling with Stripe

Mobile Friendly

All designs are built with maximum responsiveness in mind

SaaS Documentation

Includes a beautiful and maintainable documentation website setup

Website Analytics

Track visitors, bounces, mouse behaviour, duration etc. with PostHog


Built in Authentication with Auth.js supporting over 50 OAuth Providers

File Uploads

Fully integrated file upload functionality ready to be used for your features

Product Analytics

Easy session replay, feature flags, A/B testing, and surveys with PostHog

Transactional Emails

Design emails using React and send them on any event in your system

Customer Portal

Allow users to manage their payments and subcriptions themselves

GDPR Compliance

Stay compliant with relavant EU privacy laws and cookie regulations

Fully Serverless

All infrastructure is running on scalable, no-maintenance serverless functions

Infrastructure as code

No more consoles. 100% of your infra is version controlled within your codebase

No-Middlemen Infra

All infrastructure is managed directly by AWS. No greedy middlemen in between

No more DNS Headaches

Automatic set up of (sub-)domains, DNS records, Emails & SSL Certificates

Automated Scaling

Automagic scaling of all infrastructure with your application's demand

Unlimited extensibility

Event Brokers? Caching? Databases? Just a few lines of code away

Strictly Typed

All code is written in TypeScript, ensuring flawless DX from front to back

Testing setup

Includes a full testing setup with vitest, storybook and react-testing-library

Fully documented

Superb documentation including videos to get you started in no time

A message from your time-saving sidekick

Picture of Maxim Buz, the founder of Blitzship

Hey, I'm Max

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After years in the trenches as a software engineer, I've seen the struggles of building scalable startups on various platforms. That's why I've created Blitzship: the ultimate AWS-native boilerplate that combines the full power of AWS with the best tools the JS ecosystem has to offer.

Leverage AWS's full potential without the complexity

A conversion optimized landing page included

Nail UX, DX, and SEO from day one

Every time I'm working on SaaS products I waste weeks gluing together standard tooling and functionality: User authentication, stripe payments, transactional emails, ESLint, TypeScript, Databases, Domains, Hosting, and so on.

Blitzship bundles up all the best modern tools like Next.js and Mantine, with the power and solidity of the worlds leading cloud platform AWS. I've poured all of my experience as a Software Engineer into this project.
Having worked at VC-backed startups, to fully bootstrapped businesses growing to thousands of users.

Utilize battle-tested infrastructure decisions

Launch unlimited MVPs at lightning speed

Focus on your business, not the AWS console

Frequently asked questions

Have another question? Ask in the official Discord server or via email.

Discover what other devs have to say

Developers love blitzship

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People learn new skills and technologies, dive into the AWS ecosystem, make their first revenue online, and build their dream projects on AWS.

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Your SaaS on AWS in no time

Free for the first 200 developers. No credit card required.