

Welcome to Blitzship! This powerful monorepo template helps you build, deploy and launch your SaaS businesses on AWS quickly and efficiently. Including tons of features like authentication, transactional emails, custom domains, responsive landing pages and more. Let's get you up and running.

📂 Project Structure

Blitzship is organized as a monorepo into several key packages following the domain-driven design approach:

  • infra/: AWS Infrastructure as Code using the SST framework
  • packages/landing-page/: Next.js 14 boilerplate for the landing page and documentation website
  • packages/main-app/: Next.js 14 boilerplate for the main SaaS application
  • packages/core/: Central directory for all business logic
  • packages/functions/: AWS Lambda function handlers
  • packages/transactional/: Email templates for transactional emails with React Email
  • packages/schemas/: Zod schemas and TypeScript types to reuse across the whole monorepo

📡 Key Technologies

🔌 Key Integrations

📦 Key Libraries

❓ Support

If you need help or have any questions, please ask in the official discord channel (opens in a new tab).

Happy Blitzshipping! 🚀